P5 are taught by Mrs McDonald and Mrs Darrall and Wendy is our Classroom Assistant. We all work hard each day, following our school core values and enjoy learning about many different topics across all of our subjects. We love to go swimming each week and enjoy exploring different parts of our school including the woodland trail, the nurture room and the ICT room.
We have been learning all about the country Italy. We made pictures of ourselves as the Mona Lisa and we have made colosseums. At the end of September we are having a European Food day and everyone is looking forward to that.
This year P5 are also going to be taking part in drumming. Watch out for how we are getting on.
In Numeracy we are learning about 2D and 3D shapes and in Literacy our shared novel is Diary of a Wimpy Kid.
Everyone has settled really well into P5- keep watching this space for more updates as to how we are getting on.
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Ballykelly Primary School, 8 Glenhead Road, Ballykelly, Limavady, BT49 9JS Phone: 028 7776 2864