Access Keys:

Ballykelly Primary School, Ballykelly, Limavady

2021/ 2022


This year we have launched our School App and parents can receive information, complete forms online and send payments via the app.


Breakfast Club has started this term. It opens at 8am and is available for nursery to P7 children from 8am-8.45am daily. It costs £1 to attend each day and cereal, toast, tea etc is provided.


We are so excited that our After School Clubs have started for P3-P7 pupils. After Christmas we are going to be making clubs available for P1-P7 children and outside coaches will be invited into school to help facilitate the activities alongside members of staff.


We are so delighted to have Spanish teacher Rebecca back with us. All pupils from P1-P7 will be learning Spanish and we are so impressed with how much vocabulary children have retained and their Spanish conversational skills are so impressive.


At Ballykelly Primary we are able to provide facilitates from 8am-5pm daily. We are offering parents the opportunity to build their own bespoke package to suit the needs of their families with children being able to attend a range of clubs from 3-5pm and P1 and P2 from 2-5pm. Also remember Breakfast Club is available from 8-8.45am.


We offer a range of online activities for children. This includes SeeSaw for Nursery to P4 which is a great communication tool between school and home. Licences for Accelerated Reading (AR), Purple Mash and Mathletics have been purchased. These will again support, extend and challenge the children in their learning.


We also have a Speech and Language therapist who works with Nursery and P1 pupils. We are very fortunate to be able to deliver this specific support and intervention to our younger pupils.

Musical Pathways is available for P1, P2 and our Speech and Language Class. Una ensures the children practise being good listeners and everyone has lots of fun learning new songs and rhymes.


We also have a school counsellor who works with both the child and the family. Everyone needs a little help from time to time and we are delighted to have Clare in our school.


Ballykelly Primary is a very busy, active school and through Extended Schools Funding we are able to ensure that additional resources can be factored in to support and develop each child to reach their full potential.