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Ballykelly Primary School, Ballykelly, Limavady

School Council & Eco Team


In September 2023 we held our annual elections to find out who are councillors will be from the 5 KS2 and 3 KS1 classes. This year we are represented by excellent councillors from P3- P7 who will be a great help to Mrs Willis, Mr Fleming and the entire school community. They will represent our school with pride and will be great ambassadors for our school when we are out in the local community.

Last year we held discussions with all of the classes in school and updated the playground equpiment. Our main achievement was when we collected 36 shoeboxes for the Operation Christmas Shoebox Appeal. 

The school council also helped with our Anti-bullying week campgain as they promoted the odd socks day on the 13th of November.

We are looking forward to an enjoyable experience when we visit to Eglinton Christmas Tree farm, where we select the school's Christmas tree. 

Eco Team

The aim of the Eco-Team is to try and look at our environment in whatever way we can.

Currently, we are focusing on travelling actively to school, reducing litter in school and in the community and trying to encourage everyone to be more active. Last year we created an online survey to find out how active our school was. As a result we organised the ‘Daily Mile’ challenge. The aim was to encourage every class to walk/run a mile each day for two weeks. Over those two weeks our school ran a mammoth 1800 miles! Well done to everyone for taking part. In term 2 we did a 'Get Healthy Challenge' as part of homework and also completing fitness circuits in P.E.

The Eco-Team were also going out and about in Ballykelly in January to pick up litter and try to keep our local community clean and tidy, with the local council.

The Eco-Team also take part in duties such as cleaning leaves from the Nursery and encouraging others to put litter in the bin. Together we can do small things to look after our world. A big thank you goes to the dedicated Eco-Team who really care about looking after the environment. Check out our display board in the link corridor for more details.