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Ballykelly Primary School, Ballykelly, Limavady

January in Nursery

31st Jan 2020

In January our topics were 'Winter' and ‘Cold Lands’. Our work centred on learning about life in the Arctic and Antarctic. We found out lots of information about Inuits, penguins, polar bears, snow and ice. We had an igloo in the Nursery room and had great fun dressing up as Inuits and pretending we lived in the Arctic. We had penguin costumes in our role play area as well. We waddled like penguins and looked after the penguin egg by balancing it on our shoes! We even got a penguin egg to take home; it was so exciting. We looked after our egg really carefully and after a few days it hatched. Each day we told our teachers all about our egg and when the penguin hatched some of us brought our penguin in to show everyone.

We made lots of lovely things at our Art Table and painted at our easel. Our art work is on display all around the Nursery. The Canteen staff made us snowflake biscuits and we decorated these with white icing.

We had ice blocks in the water tray with lots of small toys frozen inside them. We worked hard to melt the ice and free the animals. We even had snow in our water tray!  Outdoors we had a sled and we pretended we were husky dogs pulling our friends around in the sled. The weather during January has been quite nice and we have enjoyed lots of Outdoor Play. Our daffodils are starting to grow in the greenhouse and we can take them home soon.

During our Snack Time we take turns to be the 'Snack Helper'. We help set up for snack and wear a special apron. We tell our friends when it is their turn for snack and we help to tidy up when everyone has finished. The best bit is wearing the apron :-) After snack we leave out some scraps of food for the birds on our bird table. We will continue to feed the birds each day during the Winter.

We now brush our teeth each day after snack. We enjoy showing off our lovely clean teeth to nursery staff.

We learned lots of new songs about Winter, Jack Frost and penguins. We had lots of counting songs and rhymes during January. We sang our songs indoors and outdoors. We enjoyed playing lots of loud music outdoors at our Music Wall.

Mrs Cole comes over every Friday at Story Time; we love listening to her fun and exciting stories. She can sing and play the guitar so we are learning lots of new songs.

As we explored our Fishmonger's Trail we made our way to the pond. The weather has been quite mild but we are keeping our eyes open for signs of Winter around our school.

We are continuing our Jo Jingles classes. One day Stephanie and Jo had pretend snowballs and we had great fun throwing these in the Assembly Hall. 

Chinese New Year celebrations started with us dressing up in traditional Chinese costumes and hats. We learned an action song all about Chinese New Year. We had a role play area set up with some food and real chopsticks. For snack we had noodles and we tried to use chopsticks to eat the noodles; it was a bit tricky but so much fun.