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Ballykelly Primary School, Ballykelly, Limavady

Autumn Term 2020

4th Dec 2020

Well, what a start to the year the P1s and P2s have had.

The children came back to school in September with smiles on their faces, all looking brilliant in their school uniform. It was lovely to have children back and it was so nice to finally meet our new P1 children.

The children have settled into their new routines so well. They have very quickly learnt to come into school independently, hang up their coats and bags before heading round to class. A quick wash of the hands (20 seconds of course) and then into the classroom for the first activities of the day.

The P1 children have been focusing on all their initial sounds. Learning to say, hear and write those sounds has been an important building block for them to learn to read. We've covered so many and we've a long way to go... I know the adults at home have been helping with these as well which helps so much.

The P2 children have been working on their syllables and recapping on all the sounds they learnt last year. They have also been focusing on their recounts. We have shared our news and then picked out the 4w's. Who? What? Where? and When?.

In their number work the children have been learning all about numbers, lengths and shapes. Making groups of numbers, making pictures out of different shapes and measuring things so that they can tell which is shorter and longer. The P2s even began to measure things all around the room, using their fingers ands and feet.

In some ways we have been so lucky this year to have the play room to ourselves, the P1s are able to use this play room everyday to develop their sharing and turn taking skills, as well as build on their vocabulary and put into practice all the wonderful things they have been learning about in class. We have had castles with princes, knights and princesses. We've had a builders yard, where we've had builders and plasterers, and we've had houses and homes where the children could build on their own experiences to role play ideas.

We have also been so lucky to share some fantastic experiences in the Fishmongers Trail (the forest). The children have loved getting outside and exploring nature. As well as having the freedom to investigate and play their own games in a safe and secure environment.

What a start... I'm sure you'll agree, the experiences the children have had so far have been so exciting, and there is so much more to come.

We cant wait to see everyone back after Christmas.

Stay safe.

Mr Brown